
Cedarhurst Elementary School
611 South 132nd Street Burien, WA 98168

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Cedarhurst Elementary School
611 South 132nd Street Burien, WA 98168

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Readiness Guides

Welcome to kindergarten in Highline Public Schools! We believe a strong home and school partnership will help your child learn best.

Kindergarten Readiness Guides

Parents and families have a very important role as their child's first teachers. Children learn in different ways and at different rates. We encourage you to work with your child at home. To help, we've created the Kindergarten Readiness Guides, which highlight some of the skills children need to be prepared for kindergarten. The below guides are designed to help families prepare children for school. 

Readiness guides do not need to be completed and turned in at the school. It is for you to keep as a guide to help your child be prepared for kindergarten.

Save the Date for Jump Start

Three students at Jump Start

We can’t wait to meet our new students! Kindergarten is a big milestone for your child, filled with new adventures, learning opportunities and probably some nerves too. Jump Start helps ease that transition. It’s a three-day program in August for children entering kindergarten in September.

Jump Start is Wednesday, August 21 to Friday, August 23, 2024.

Check out your School Kindergarten page + Jump Start Times

School pages will have information on school-specific events like meet and greets and school tours! 

Readiness Guides


If you have any questions about kindergarten, please contact your school office.

School offices are closed during the month of July. If you need enrollment support during July, please contact the family center at 206.631.3003.

Students in library.
students at recess.

Health & Safety 

Your child's health and safety are important to us.

If your child has a potentially life-threatening condition, Washington State law requires a parent or guardian to speak with the school nurse. This includes allergies, diabetes, asthma and seizure disorders. Please contact your school office to schedule a time to speak with the school nurse. The appointment must take place before your child can attend Jump Start and school in September. 

Students in music class.